Of The Reprints In A Cheaper Form Of "the Golden
Treasury Series," the selection of Scottish Hong, compiled and arranged by Mary Carlyle Aitken, is among the most attractive. We reviewed the volume on its first publication,......
Green's Short' History. Illustrated. By Mrs. J. A. Green And
Miss N. Norgate. (Macmillan and Co.)—Mrs. Green's second volume of her illustrated edition of her husband's book keeps up the high character of the first. It is a marvel of......
Renunciations. By Frederick Wedmore. (elkin Mathews And...
is right in saying that those "short imaginative pieces" can hardly be called stories. Nothing could well be slighter so far as plot is concerned, and if there be art in the......
A Turf-reformer.*
THE morality of the Turf, though it is but little esteemed by judges whose opinion ought to cam , weight, seems neverthe- less to be developing with quite astonishing rapidity.......
Cab And Caboose. By Kirk Munroe. (g. P. Putnam's Sons.)—
This " Story of a Railroad Boy" makes an exciting narrative. It is to be presumed that all railway journeys in the States are not so eventful as those which successively tried......
Gothic Architecture. By Edward Corroyer. Edited By W....
and Co.)—This is an excellent sketch of the rise and progress of "Gothic" architecture—an arbitrary misnomer, as the writer points out—in all its manifestations, from the church......
Characters And Characteristics Of William Law, Nonjuror...
and arranged, with an Introduction, by Alexander Whyte, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—William Law was born about twenty years after the death of Jeremy Taylor, and like Taylor,......
Current Literature.
The Child Countess. By Mrs. William Maude. (IL Washbourne.) —This story is meant to commend tho cause of the so-called Catholic martyrs of the days of the early Stuarts to the......