Studies of a Socialist Parson. By W. H. Abrahams, M.A.
(W. A.n. drews.)—We"6annot help thinking that some of Mr. Abrahams' judgments are somewhat crude. The save imdignatio carries him away ;. commonly justified in itself, it sometimes loads him into insustice. Perhaps the worst instance is this cynical explanation of two important acts of legislation : "The Capitalist Whigs, to revenge themselves for long exclusion from power, repealed the Corn-Laws. The landlords, in retaliation, not because they loved the rai epoor, supported Lord Shaftesbury's Factory Acts." At least ght have ascertained the facts. It was Sir Robert Peel, not use Capitalist Whigs," who actually repealed the Corn Laws. And the most important Factory Act, 7 Victe c- 15, was passed June 6th, .1844, before that repeal. It is always a pity to attribute mean motives, but to
C) it in this fashion is a very bad blunder indeed. This is not, however, inconsistent with the fact that Mr. Abrahams has much that is valuable to say, and says it well.