[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIB, —Will you permit me
to draw attention to one aspect of the Budget, and with special reference to the additional impost of t3d. per gallon on wines in bulk, and 3s. per gallon on still foreign bottled wines ? One country, that will acutely feel the effect of the altered duty is France, audit may be worth while considering if; for the purpose of attempting to raise the comparatively small sum of £400,000, it is worth while allowing it to be supposed by French wine shippers that the impost is unfriendly, and intentionally so in the light of recent political events. It is, I think; generally suppoied that the Southern provinces of France are friendly to Great Britairt;and they may easily be provoked to hostility by the imposition of a new duty on their wines, and especially on their Chateau bottled wines; which will be Practically excluded: by the Gs. per dozen Harrington Street, Liverpool; Apra. 17th. •