Psellus Of Byzantium. Edited, With Critical Notes And...
Constantine Sathas. (Methuen and Co. 15s.)—This is a volume of the "Byzantine Texts," appearing under the general editorship of Professor Bury. Psellus wrote the history of the......
Miscellaneods.—we Have Received The Second Annual Issue...
NUrsing Directory, by Sir Henry Burdett, K.C.B. (Scientific Press, Gs.), giving an outline of the laws which affect nurses and an account of the institutions, large and small,......
The Quest Of Faith. By Thomas Bailey Saunders. (a. And
C. Black. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Saunders's "Notes on the Current Philosophy of Religion" are a aeries of thoughtful essays on various religious and non-religious positions occupied by......
New Editions.—the Works Of Shakespeare, Vol. Iil, Edited,...
and Notes, by C. H. Herford (Macmillan and Co., Gs.), belongs to the Eversley Series." This, the third of the ten vol- umes contemplated, contains "Much Ado about Nothing,"......
Cookery Boons.—three Books On Cookery May Be Mentioned...
for Two, by Alice L. James (G. P. Putnam's Sons, 3s. Gd.), the sub-title being "Comfort and Economy for Small Households." Miss James begins with twenty - eight menus for......
Thoughts On The Present Position Of Protestantism, By...
translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders (A. and C. Black, Is. 6d.), is a contribution of distinct value, not so much to controversy, as to the larger knowledge of the great......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under This Heading we notice such Books of the week as hare not hem reserved for review in other forms.] Selections from the Sources of English Hi stor y, B.C. 55—A 18 .......
Irory, Apes, And Peacocks. By Israfel. (the Unicorn...
net.)—We are generally ready to admire " Israfel " when he is serious. He has a very pretty gift of description, somewhat florid, it may be said ; but then, when you are......
The Temperance Problem And Social Reform. By Joseph...
and Arthur Sherwell. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—We cannot pretend to deal with this volume in detail. It is a careful resumi of facts, and states the position from the......
Christian Scierwe. By R. Heber Newton. (g. P. Putnam's...
pamphlet is well worth reading. The numerous phenomena that come under the head of " faith - healing" cannot be safely neglected, and it is well to have the views of a......