MISCELLANEODS.—We have received the second annual issue of Burdett's Oficial
NUrsing Directory, by Sir Henry Burdett, K.C.B. (Scientific Press, Gs.), giving an outline of the laws which affect nurses and an account of the institutions, large and small, both in Great Britain, America, and the Colonies, where hospital work is carried on.—Another periodical publication which has a special interest at this time, in view of the financial crisis which exists in the island, is The Hand-book of Jamaica, compiled by T. L. Roxburgh and Jos. C. Ford (E. Stanford, 7s. 6d.) The growth of cocoanuts and bananas increases ; other products decline or are stationary. The acres "under cultiva- tion and care" have decreased since the last return by nearly thirty thousand.—Exeeutors and Administrators, by G. F. Emery, LL.M. (Effingham Wilson, 2s. net), will be found a useful guide in matters which most people, sooner or later, have something to do with.—Inquiries into the Tactics of the Future. By Fritz Hoenig. Translated by Captain H. IL Bower. (Longmans and Co. 155. net.) —This volume has reached in one shape or another a fourth edition on the Continent, and has met with a very warm welcome. Though military tactics can never have the supreme importance for us that they have for the great Continental Powers, it was well to introduce the book to English readers. The author's examples are drawn from the wars of 1866 and 1870; his conclusions, are, of course, largely speculative.—The Column and the Arch. By William P. P. Long- fellow. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—Mr. Longfellow begins with Egyptian architecture under the heading of the Lotus Column," treats Greek and Latin architecture as parts of one system, and carries on his subject through later Roman archi- tecture, early Christian architecture, the Romanesque and the Renais- sance, with a special chapter on St. Peter's. It is curious to find so little said either of the Byzantine or the Gothic styles, but Mr. Long- fellow gives his reason.---With this may be mentioned Decorative Designs of All Ages for All Purposes, edited by Paul N. Hasluck (Cassell and Co., ls.)—We have received two publications by the Trustees of the British Museum,—A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries, and A Guide to the Manuscripts, Autographs, Charters, 4.c., Exhibited in the Department of MSS. and the Grenrille Library.