[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...1 SIR,—Your correspondent who
sympathizes with the maids has heard one aide of the question only, to judge by his or her letter. I have discussed the matter -with the manager of one of the very best betels in New Zealand. Although his maids had at least as much free time as your correspondent describes, and higher wages, yet he assured me that it was only with the greatest difficulty that he could keep going—invariably short- handed, and always troubled lest the maids he had were stamping their work whenever possible. So worried was he that he retired from business shortly after my visit in 1920. And yet, as-he said, " If anyone can get them I can." Evidently not even Colonial terms of service can satisfy the young women of the present day. —I am, Sir, &c., A SYMPATHIZER WITH THE EMPLOTBRB.