Chum Novels.—take Of Love And Hate. By Charles Crichton....
and Boon. 7s. 6d. net.)—The title in this case is significant. Most of the stories in the book are of the violent order. But the laurels must be admitted to rest with the less......
The Room.*
IT is a very great pity that the second part of this novel is by no means on the same level of ability as the first. The reader cannot, perhaps, 'complain of the fact that the......
Poets And Poetry.
MISS EDITH SITWELL.* A GREAT many, though not all, of the best works of art in every kind are a little " difficult " to the reader or the hearer. Mr. Middleton Murry laid it......
The Closing Gates.* Miss Pecos, In Her New Novel, Gives
a minute study of the diffi- culties which post-War life presents to everyone except the very rich. The book is written with considerable 'distinction, which is proved by the......