April 22nd.-Wromons HALL.-Violin Recital .. .. 3.0 [Miss Marie Hall is playing an interesting group of modern English works.]
April 24th.-QUEEN'S 1-14rx,.-Mr. Albert Coates and the
London Symphony Orchestra .. 8.0
First performancee in England of Orphee, a Symphonic Poem by M. Roger Dwane and a Pianoforte Concerto by M. Prokofwf.
[We fear from what we know of the Concerto that "'tis just not ugly and just not mad " would be too lenient a descrip- tion of it.]
April 24th.-Azomor HALL.-London String Quartet .. 8.15
Beethoven. String Quartets Opus 18. Nos. 1, 2 and 3.
[The first night of a Beethoven Festival week when the Quartets will be played in chronological order. To those who am not musically blasé these concerts will be the greatest attrac- tion of the week, and to those who are, the superb playing of the Landon String Quartet may prove a rejuvenating force.)
April 25th.-WmMoan Ham.-Sonata Recital by Miss Bessie Rawlings and Mr. Arnold Bax • • 8.15
[Noteworthy because Mr. Bax's Second Sonata for Violin and Pianoforte will receive its first performance at this concert.] [The expletives with which some modern composers load their work throw Mr. sax's more anaemic methods of expression into sharp contrast. It will be interesting to hear how he has Interpreted the events of 1915 when his sonata was written, for he admits that the War L9 more or leas the background of this work.] April 25th.-AEOLIAN HALL.-London String Quartet .. 8.15 Beethoven. .String Quartets Opus 18 Nos. 4, 8 and 6.
[The Mozar first tfive Quartets of this Opus are exquisite children of ) April 26th.-AEorffax HALL.-London String Quartet .. 8.15 Beehloosos. String Quartets Opus 50, Nos. 1. 2 and 8. April 27th.-•Azorwt ITAir,.-London String Quartet .. Beethoven. String Quartets Opus 74, 95 and 127.
April 28th.-AEoueri Tisrx, -London String Quartet Beethoven. String Quartets Opus 130 and 131.
[Surely the Cavatina of Opus 130 is the best answer we can give to those very fashionable critics of Be ethoven's slow move- ments.] April 29th.-AEOLIAN HALL.-London String Quartet .. 8.15
Beethoven. String Quartets Opus 132 and 135, and the enigmatic Grosse Fugue Opus 133 which was originally the last movement of Opus 130.
April 29th.-QUEEN'S Harz.-Symphony Concert. Sir
Henry Wood .. 3.0 Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary and the 2nd Symphony of Bach- matlinof. Mr. Lomond will play the Emperor Concerto.
815 8.15