On Tuesday the Allies, great and small, met in private
and drafted a severe note to the German delegates. They described the secret negotiation of the treaty with Moscow as " a violation of the conditions to which Germany pledged herself in entering the Conference." Germany had been received as an- equal and- given the opportunity of honest co-operation with her former enemies. She had replied with " an act which destroys that spirit of mutual confidence which is indispensable to inter- national co-operation." The questions settled by the treaty. were precisely those which Germany had been invited to discuss with other nations. The Allies assumed, therefore, that Germany had renounced the right to participate any further in the discussion between the other nations and the Bolsheviks In other word's, the German delegates will be excluded from the principal sub-committee of the Conference. What is far worse, they have done much to revive all the old suspicions of German bad faith which men of good will in the Allied countries have been trying hard to dissipate.