One of the very few good signs in Ireland it'that
here and there people who want to lead quiet- lives and not to be ruined, what- ever their-politics may be, are turning against a continued state of anarchy. In Dublin on Wednesday a convention of the
Ail-Ireland Ratepayers' Association met and passed a resolution that, in the event of the failure of the Peace Conference repre- senting the pro-Treaty and the anti-Treaty factions, which is being resumed on Thursday, when we go to press, a- complete record of the proceedings of that Conference ought to be pub- lished. The resolution ends with these words :—
" We feel that if the country is to be committed to war the people should know exactly the issue for which they are asked to stake their lives and fortunes, and in the event of civil war coming on the country the people should be in a position to fix the responsibility for such a calamity."
We have written elsewhere about the whole situation in Ireland and need only add here that street fighting was renewed in. Belfast on Wednesday night. Three persons were shot dead and many wdunded. Several houses were also burned down.