Last week we recorded the approach to Marakesh of the
forces of Abd-ul-Aziz which had defeated on the way a mehalla of Mulai Hafid. It was assumed that Abd-ul-Aziz would arrive at Marakesh immediately afterward", but so far as we can learn he is no nearer the southern capital than he was last week. He is near enough, however, to alarm the Bashaw of the town, who has sagaciously attempted to safe- guard his position by confiscating the property of well-known Hafidists. The victories of Abd-ul-Aziz have been celebrated at Mogador. Meanwhile the star of ktulad Hafid is said to be waning at Fez. He never leaves the town, apparently fearing that be would not be allowed to return. At Mekinez on August 13th an affray is said to have broken out between the partisans of Abd-ul-Aziz and the Hafidist tribesmen. The casualties.--thirty killed—were greater, we should think, than in any encounter between the main forces of the rival Sultans.