(to The Editor 07 The " Spectator.1 Sir,—your Editorial Note
at the end of my letter, which you obligingly published last Saturday, in which you suggest a union of small benefices as a way out of the crippling at present existing in......
Church Finance.
[To THU EDITOR 011 . Tag ''SPROTATOR.1 Ssa,—The Church at large is under a debt of obligation to you for opening the columns of your valuable paper to the ventilation of this......
[to The Editoe Of The "spectator. "] Sur,—the Letter Of Mr.
Ellison (Spectator, August 8th), draw- ing attention to this most important question, only indicates a few of the reasons why this matter is so grave and so urgent. May I......
Tto Thy Eintort Or Tex •spropator.•j Ste,—" After The Divine
Service ended, the money given at the Offertory shall be disposed of to such pious and charitable uses as the Minister and Churchwardens shall think fit. Wherein if they......