The Cadet ship Mersey,' recently acquired by the White Star
Line, sailed on Thursday morning from Liverpool on a two and a half years' training cruise. The 'Mersey,' described as one of the finest types of British-built sailing ships, is of 1,829 tons, and has been specially fitted and altered to meeb the requirements of her cruise. She is commanded by Lieutenant Corner, of the Royal Naval Reserve, who has already commanded vessels having on board large numbers of boys, and carries forty cadets, more than half of whom come from the Conway' and Worcester.' Special importance attaches to this cruise, as the White Star Line are the first company to avail themselves of the special regulations issued by the Board of Trade for the examina- tion and promotion of cadets who have served in specially approved training-ships, and to offer the cadets the opportunity of qualifying for the quarter-deck of great liners. The experi- ment will be watched with the greatest interest, as it estab- lishes for the Mercantile Marine a system corresponding to the ladder of learning in our elementary schools. It should be noted that, in addition to their practical training, the boys will continue their general education while at sea and receive special instruction in the scientific branches of navigation and allied subjects under a highly qualified nautical master.