Modern Germanies, by Cicely Hamilton (Dent, 7s. 6d.), is a
book which needed writing.- Mrs. Hamilton is able to compare what she has seen in Germany on her recent visits with what was before the War as well as with conditions in other countries. She is particularly struck with the effect of the new regime in Germany on the younger genera- tion, with " the cult of the bare " and of simplicity _ which springs partly from poverty, and with the technique of the modern German theatre. The chapter on the theatre is, indeed; the best in the book, though much of the rest, especially the pressure of poverty upon the German middle classes and students, is unknown to the general public in England and should be known to them. • It is possible that, had each chapter been slightly _shorter, Mrs. Hamilton would have conveyed her effects better, but in that -case ye should have lost many charming incidents and wise reflections, which we Could ill spare.