Afternoon Men. By Anthony Powell. (duckworth. 7s. 6d.)—as...
a book describing a series of modern parties can be interesting, Afternoon Men is successful. But it is nothing more than its brilliant title leads the reader to expect. Ernest......
The Sands Of Windee. By Arthur W. Upfield. (hutchinson. 7s.
6d.)—A quietly written detective story of the Australian bush with an attractive half- caste detective, ably assisted by thought-readers and by ants.......
Substance and Shadow The Forge. By T. S. Stribling. (Heinemann. 8s. 6d.) THE novel which has for its background a well-known period in history offers its author both advantages......
Current Literature
Thu stories of the daring and tactful Englishmen who first opened up our trade with the East have often been told, from the time of Halduyt and Purchas, but they always bear......
The Little Entente, By John 0. Crane (macmillan, $2.50), Is
a good apology, and does not profess to be anything more: • The author in his introduction describes it as an interpretive (sic) study " of the subject. It suffers somewhat from......
New Novels
• YOUNG DIANA. By Margaret Ironside. (Philip Earle. 7s. 6d.)—Diana Hotspur is proud of her family, though it is difficult to see why, for her mother is cold and unsympathetic,......
If There Is Anyone More Annoying Than The Man Who,
with Pangloss, finds that everything is for the best, it is the person who carries a perpetual chip on his shoulder," who is the victim of a chronic grouch." The Rev. Father......
The Lambeth Conference Has Occasioned Much Talk, Many...
at least one piece of literature : Mr. T. S. Eliot's Thoughts after Lambeth (Faber and Faber, Is.). Those Anglicans who felt that the Conference Report was open to attack from......