The Patriarch of Jerusalem His BeatitUde Daumianos Constantine, Patriarch of
Jerusalem, who died on August 14th at the age of eighty-two, had had a stormy career since he was elected to the office in 1897. For he had to hold his own in the bitter disPutei between the Greek Christians, led by the monks of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Arab Christians for the control of Orthodox Church affairs in Jerusalem. Before the War he only kept his office by the help of the Sultan, and since the War he had been supported, after due inquiry, by the British Government, which also took charge of the decayed finances of the Patriarchate. In 1925 he attended the services held in Westminster Abbey to commemorate the sixteen hundredth anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, and Ile went on to the Swedish Conference at Which all Christian churches, save the Roman, were represented. The Patriarch Was knighted by the King in 1922.