LETTERS Scotch mystery
Sir: With reference to Neil Drysdale's arti- cle 'Scots cry for Argentina' (4 July), in essence I was treated with absolute cour- tesy and friendliness by every Scot I met in Paris during the World Cup. To a man, their approach was warm and friendly, and Neil Drysdale does no credit to the nation, nor favours to your readers, with his extrav- agant, wildly inaccurate, contemporary journalese.
I have been in some strange way hon- oured to be 'pedestalled' as the archetypal Englishman on whom true Scottish warriors vent their spleen.
I can assure Spectator readers that in practice those Scots whom I met were light- years away from the manners or attitudes of the characters he portrays in his article. Wherein lies the truth, one asks?
Jimmy Hill OBE
West Sussex