Ship Of State
Sir: Robert Taylor (`Grand Tour opera- tors', 15 August) did not mention the most remarkable of all prime ministerial holi- days. Lord Rosebery spent the entire gen- eral......
Pet Hates
Sir: Your television review on 8 August made very unhappy reading, which I found most distasteful. Mr Edward Heathcoat Amory has obviously never known the love of a loyal and......
Letters Scotch Mystery
Sir: With reference to Neil Drysdale's arti- cle 'Scots cry for Argentina' (4 July), in essence I was treated with absolute cour- tesy and friendliness by every Scot I met in......
Pubic Transport
Sir: With reference to your report on gay sadomasochism (Public money tied up', 8 August), the author appears to have entire- ly missed the point of the training classes or......
Sir: In his perceptive and thoughtful review of David R. Mets's Master of Airpower (Books, 8 August), Allan Mallinson sug- gests that if the Ministry of Defence were today......
Arraigned In Error
Sir: You remark (Leading article, 15 August) on 'the endemic corruption and incompetence in the force'. That from time to time there is corruption or incompetence is not in......