Pet hates
Sir: Your television review on 8 August made very unhappy reading, which I found most distasteful. Mr Edward Heathcoat Amory has obviously never known the love of a loyal and faithful pet, which many of us have and which for many lonely people is their only companion.
I can assure you it does not need him to run over someone's pet to boost the ratings of these animal programmes. Over ten mil- lion viewers watched such showings as the recent series of Animal Hospital, filmed at this hospital, where last year more than 45,000 animals were treated and 7,500 operations performed.
His unpleasant comments about Rolf Harris were most insulting and quite uncalled for. I know him to be a most gen- uine and sincere animal-lover; his concern for the patients and their owners is plainly visible. Rolf Harris and his team have achieved a great deal for the cause of ani- mal welfare, for which we are truly grateful.
Finally, I would like to assure Mr Heath- coat Amory that I am fully in command of myself!
Angela Cope
Chairman, Friends of Putney Animal Hospital, 6 Clarendon Drive, London SW15