THE ElectiOns proceed in the same spirit as they did kit week. In the Counties,- A ‘few Tories have found admission:- Mr: • IIALI Thins has, sncceeded to Mr. Wniassi,Ev: in:South Eisex—a fair exchange. 'Mr. WELLESLEY has been at Calais sincethe dissolu. Lion of -Parliament :• he' willprobably remain -there. "Northamp- ton bass returned a Tory and a Whig for each diVision: The divi- sion of the counties has been -favourable to such ,divided -returns.' The Vltra-Reforming party has foUnd sniall,favoUr anywhere,—: less in the. counties, as might be expected, than in the towns. We can mention -but two raeinberi who approach to that desciiption, Mr.:HINE. and Major BEAUCLERK : after them, though with an interval, Lord IlilivroN may be enumerated. • The Majority 'for Ministers will doubtless be increased !byz.thei strongly Conserva- tive . /wig-nage of Lotd ALTHOItP • in Northamptonshire,.and-Mr: STANLEY in Lancashire; but it needed not -their declarations to strengthen it. : Everywhere, to be; a. menfibeeof the Governmenti • has --been a secure passport. Mr. PouLErr Txo isoN, chiefly from his posseision.Of office (though, doubtless, for hig abilities and. liberalityhas-had the high honour of being elected by alarge majority of one of the most numerons'and respectable,Of the new constitnencies---,-Manchester, in opposition m a man of great local_ influence ; and by a 'spirited and populous borough--Dover, in oppositionto:all the strength which a'powerful and unscrupulous, party could bring -against him. The elections in Scotland have begun well. FRANCIS JEFFREY, JAMES ABERCROMBY, JOHN Arc e1BALD Minialesc, Rotima Fsanuso.s, are names, that would. grace any assembly., Ireland sends' S O'CONNELL and four per-, ton* of his kindred; and a tail of clients as Iong as that of the ram of. Derby. The Parliament will not lack,' eloquence. We contemplate its meeting with no small mingling Of feat: if "the Ministry mean what their. members in Northamptonshire .and Lancashire announce, we shall necessarily have a' renewal of that agitation which has-'already operated . so 'injuriously the welfare of the community, and without- that sustentation of hope which has hithettO .rendered it tolerable. It is true; we" mayEau& them to _return to the right path, as we forinerlY forced-them to re- :main init ; but the shock to public morals would not he the less fatal: The abandon rent of Reform' by-its originators, would produce in the public mind a contempt for authority that could hardly fail to issue in its utter eVerthrow. . • . :'We regret exceedingly, that in several 'places, riots, more or less serious, have occurred. Sheffield,Ieveral person's:have fallen victims:to. their rashness. 'The new constituencies, however, have shown for the most part a much stronger regard for: order than the old. The cansei Of the disorders in the latter,' ore clearly- traceable to the leaven of uncleanness which the Second Bill left to pol- lute the body of the pleetors. In the former, they ,seem to have arisen, from attempts7,-not. a, whit more defensible,. though,better-; rnotived than the Boroughinongering attempts—on the part of the non-electors to control the electors. There are plain:and easy methods-of remedy for bothothick w6 should deeply legretto find 'Ministers ,reselinely setting themselvesag,ainst..-: HousehOld. suffrage,. as - proposed ;by Lord Eiznrutoitoviiii, would take 'from the present ncerizeleetersciailf thote whose Voieeeate in any degrep iniraetitfal? 'tine' Ballot WaylaliliSted t110.:ellbtOYt from' the Aristo- cracyt Mitnfinstati60;"-dir -eklie'cialiy, in Ireland, seems ,even more :1:lecesSii`xy; from' the Denancie.4:. and,ihert P4r- liameots; by,tal,ing, from..the novelty or,91e0.6ns,.would: take ,frorp. the excitement „which ;their, uresent ;infrequency occasions. These remedies;, must „some,rr7the two •last• soon,• the whole , ultimately: Miniiters; may; in their not unnatural love fora work of their ; creation, feel'-offended at a suspicion of its insufficiency ; insufficiency - Dirtst 'be remedied nkiverthelesS; than; Ohl' Spite of them.