Lawyees • Nr The New Paarlastawr.—the Members Of The...
seem to have:been reinarkahly.wilucky during the,late elections. Among these 'are found the names of Wetherell, Wilde, bugden, J. Williams, C. Fo ll etto Wakefield, Pemberton,......
The Law Prizemen Of The London .university. Have...
new Lord Chief Justice on - his appointment. Why or where- fore the -Law Prizemen address Sir THOMAS DENMAN, it *Mild be difficult to say, unless 'perhaps the:publication of......
Literary Patronage. ., Itt2dr:rootr'sreport - To...
riabject of congratulation, that they had - been able to-select Mr. etizzi for the.purpose of preparinga scientificcatalogue of:their Library. He is undoubtedlyreferredto, not......
We Hope It Is No Contempt Of Court To Say,
that some of the opi- nions announced by the late Mr. BROUGHAM in the case of Mr. FARQUHARSON, and the publication of the proceedings respecting the efforts of the Duke of......
The' Scotch Peer$ • Fersiq. The Scotch, 1740.plit In Former
times; when •the Minister •had some unusually profligate job -to carry through -the. liouse of Connnons—sotite 04ditionel 6 . 0:01/ ... per annum to Vie, er sinecure , pension......