The Law Prizemen of the London .University. have addressed the
new Lord Chief Justice on-his appointment. Why or where- fore the -Law Prizemen address Sir THOMAS DENMAN, it *Mild be difficult to say, unless 'perhaps the:publication of their signatures in capital letters in the Morning:•Newspapers accounts for the phmnomenon. The shortest- way would have 'been for the Law Prizemen ,of the London University to advertise themselVes at once; which would have saved' the Lord Chief Justiee the trouble of writing a letter, and giving them a stave of morality to add to
their law. .
" Teuracademie priZes. are the &nits of your indastry, -Seal, and ability. The rewards of a professional life, as you must be well aware,. are:greatly:at the disposal of 'Fortune, and can only fall to the lot of few. All, however, may secure thosel6t: more' valuable advantages, withOut which no-others are worth possessing;-;--the iinproVeindnt 6f the motel 'and intellectual fieulties; the con- scioue satisfaction arising Slim; a faithful -diseharge of ditty;-and the delightful hope of rendering,seine.serviceto our. country and to mankind:" • All these very pretty 'Ciceroinaiiistas might have been saved for a worthier occasion. " Permit. me," says' his' ordship, " to con- gratulate you' on the early distinction," -Sze. A' very fine. thing for these yoUng .-Blackstoniana, to commence life with bandying compliments with the-first law authority ! If a set of Trinity First Class, quite as distinguished folk' as London University Law Prizenien, had- addressed Ponsox en being appointed Greek PM, fessok, what • would 'he have said?—"-Igind your Tarticles, you dogsl What's Greek -for curry-conib