The Dublin Gazette of Saturday contains a proclamation declaring' the western part of the county of Cork to be in a state of disturbance, aall requiring an extraordinary establishment of police: Bank of Ireland has declared ddividend of di- per cent. for the . link half-year.
°Account§ have been received in Cork,.by express, at a late hour this. dtif .(Saturday) announcing the murder of the Reverend Charles :Fer- giisson, of Timoleague. As far as wehaveleen. enabled to learn the particulars, this gentleman, while; proceeding in a gig, Accompanied by Me SaVete, at an early hour this morning, on his *ay to Bandon, per-- ceived a number of persons-in afield, running as if towards the road; heNtiitted thmgig With the intention of seeking shelter ima neighbor- irf house, when'he was pursued, overtaken, and murdered on the spot. -Cork Southern Reporter. On Tuesday night, a. Man named Cowan, whoacted as: bailiff on:an: estate in the neighbourhood .of Stiagowna, was, fired at in .his own LOUSe;and shot dead. Seine parsons, we learn, were lately ejected fronithe holding he occupied, and it.is said he. received. a threatening ce ,not long since to leave the premises or mark the consequence. 4-pa:cierstand a _Fat of his property had been consumed by in- es.-,-„Erne Packet.- - Trant, a magistrate residing :near Templemore, county. of.
wes,-whiletun*ing.through Thursday.evening,