- On Friday night last, about twelve o'clock, as the Earl of Chester- field's keepers were going their rounds, they heard several shots fired • iii' one of the covers. They immediately proceeded to the cover, and diScovered eight or ten poachers with guns : the par :tiers saw them, and threatened to shoot them if they stirred from the spot. Part of them stood guard over the keepers, while the others shot what game they liked, and then decanned with it-Derbyshire Courier.
"A fire was discovered about seven o'clock on Tuesday evening lest, ar Easterg&:e ; when a barn, containing barley, the property of Mr. P. Bine, was totally consumed. There was another fire the same night, at Cormore Hills, near Pulborough; when a rick of barley, the property of Mr. Jun, was burnt to the ground.-Kent Herald. , An inquest was held before William Adye, Esq. one of the Coro- ners for Wilts, on Monday the 17th instant, at the Black Dog Inn, Standerwick, on the body of Thomas Ford, of Short Street, near Chammulslade, Wilts, weaver; who fell a victim to the attack made upon the unarmed supporters of Mr. Thomas Sheppard, at the nomi- nation of the candidates for Frome on Monday the 10th instant. It appeared in evidence, that the unfortunate man being wholly unarmed, aS all Mr. Sheppard's supporterS were, was,. in the forenoon of the daY of nomination,, in the . market-place of Frome, severely beat.
aide kicked in the lower part of the'bowels. ' He was removed to his home, and attended by medical men both 'from Frame and Westbury. He lingered in-great suffering until Thursday morning last, when he died. The result of the post mortal examination was laid before the Jury ; from which it appeared, that One't:If the smaller intestines was birrst,, and had mortified.- The 'Jury returned a'unanimous verdict of " Wilful Murder, by some person or . persons unknown."-Devizer
Gazette. •
-`On Saturday morning, EnsigirDewes,--Of theS9th Regiment, whilst attempting to swim from Longroom Marracki to St. Nicholas's Island, was unfortunately seized, it is supposed 'with cramp; and al nost in- stantly sank.-Plyatoiah .14-tunal.