PAU!. Soninois.:---The Vice:Chancellor hail issued the following notice in the Uni-
versity... •; - • •
I. II is Royal Highness the Chancellor pleased to give annuelly.e third Gold Medal fur the encouragement-of English Peary. -to such resident Undergraduate as shall coinpoid The belt Ode, oY the beit Poinit, in IIeroic Verse the Vice-Chancellor gives notice that the subject for the present yearis-'• Delpl i N B. These EXereises are to be sent in to the Vice-Chancellor on-ex:before Karen 31.1833 rani" are not to
exceed 200 lines in length. , .
IL .The Representatives in Parliament flar this University being.pleased to give an- itualiy-4. Two-Prizes Of; Fifteen for the encouragement:of Latin Prime Composition, to lie opemtoalt Baelialors:Of 'Arts, Withont7distinction-of years, who are not ofeufticientstaudang to take:the Divine Of. Master of Arts ; and, 2, Two.other Prizes of -Fifteen Guineas each, to bo open to all Undergraduetes, who shall - have resided not less than seven terms, at the tintesitherrthe'Exercisesitre tolie sent in-the subjects fur theinesentLyiStrare-1..Fer:thelladheIons, " Quinnem '.-prtecipue sint labentis im- Pqrii indicia?" the -1Indergradeates■ t".Utrtun., 8ervornos -,marnixitissio in In- sulk Indontni Occidentalium confestim facto., plus boni nut mall secum afferet e. N.B. These Exercises arc to be sent in on or before April 30. 1833. /II, Sir :William Brcuine: /diving bermeatite4 three gold Medals:mama-Eve Guineas each, to such-resident. Undergraduates as shall compose-..L , The best Greek Odesa . Inittation or.Sapplio ; '2. The;begt Lat yap' in iinitetion ottlorake; 3, The-best G reektEpigrana atter lhe rnedePol 'the Anthelegia,' emit:the' beet Latin Einkram after the model of Martial„-the subjects for the present year are-1. For the &seek " Thermopylm." 2. For the Latin Orle.,„±t monuments in Britannia re- perta." 3. For the ,Epigrams, Prope ad supimum prope_ed exitum.", N.D. These Enereises are to.bersent mon-or before April' 30;1833. atit id et- Ceed25. Andthe LatimOde30'stanres. The. Greek• Ode. may -be accompanied • by a literal 'Latin Prose Version. TV. The Parson Prise is-the Interest of 4:001 Steck, Act be annually eteployed ptirehase or one or More-Greek Rooki,-te b&givert.7tS suet'', resident Undergraduate shall. make the best Translation of a, proposed :passage in•Shakspearea Ben Jonsen. Messinger. or Beaumont and Fletcher, into Orm.kmerse. ,T?e.subiect for the present year is-Shakspeare=aing Richard Ii. At 3, Scene 2;;; begmning- K. Rich. • • -.--- Knoivaitthoomot, • • Thavihen the searching eynef hearten le-hid" And endhig-- - •• at kg: heaven still guards, the right.7 . „ N.B, 'Tbe-nietres to -be Tregicem Tambicuni Tainietinteaaalidekraiiin.' Slate - Exercises are to be accentuated and accompanied by a literal Latin Prose versimi,--alid‘-` are to be sent in on or before Ava 30,1038.