tltEtYttit¢au�i. We are ttSkilked that the object of the late - visit
of dignitary of the ChUrch to the Premier related to the intended reform in all the Eccle- siastical establi§hrnents ; and that a comnaimication.was -made, in the name otnearly the whole body, that it was their intention to resign into, the hands of the King the whole of their sacredfanctions in the event' of such a bill being introduced.-Morning Post. It is said that the Conservative Club advanced • 2,0001. towards-the: late contest at Hull.- Globe.
A rumour prevails in the diplomatic- circles, of a note having been presented by the Russian Ambassador to the Cabinet of Madrid u_pon the spirit-of Liberalism which appears in the acts of 'the Queen Re- gent.- Gazette de France.
Endeavours are making in Paris to get up a loan for Don. Miguel.
The Duchess of Berry, in her captivity, is watched with tin- ceasing vigilance. A few evenings 'ago, a boat, in'wbich were some workmen, returning from their daily labour, attempted to cross the- river upon which her prison stands, after the evening gun had been fired; but the vessel was seized, and its cargo sent to a. prison. Irt. other respects she is allowed every reasonable indulgence. She enjoys. perfect liberty in the interior. Whenever the state of the weather per mite, she takes her walks on the ramparts. Kiosks are to be erected. on various parts of the citadel,. to enable the Duchess to draw land- scapes of the environs. The Duchess has been indiSposed for some- days with a slight inflammation in the chest, which it is, expected will soon be removed by the physician who has been called in to attend her.. French Paper. By a proclamation of the Governor of the. Mauritius- of the 3d of September, it was decreed, in consequence of the death of John Justin. Cooper, Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal, that until his Ma- jesty's pleasure be known, Edward Redmond, Esq. should continue to exercise the offee of Proeureur- General, and. Nicholas Gustave BesteI that of Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court. -The Governor, in honour of his Majesty's birthday, had remitted. to eleven prisoners, imprisoned for various periods, the remainder of the term of their re. speetive imprisonments. A dreadful fire occurred on the 25th of July in the fort at Calcutta. It commenced in the arsenal, and destroyed two' sides of • the square, used as go.dorms for all descriptions of stores,--Such as rope, canvass, tar, turpentine, pitch, military accoutrements, &c., all of which, -with the buildings, were completely destroyed. The loss is calculated at several lees of rupees. The fortunate veering and- uneipetted sub- sidence of the wind saved the armoury, which, with its splendid and immense stand of arms, was a long-time in imminent danger. To-save the armoury, recourse was bad to buttering down with shot from 18- pounders. The crop of indigo in-the East is represented in the last letters as short and bad.