COCNTRY ELECTIO14.—The:following returns have been announced this' MO:fling, as already
made; Or Certain to'be znade. East- -Wyndham and Kcppel. gertshire—Sebright, Calvert, and GrimSton.'' Gloucestershire, llrest-BerItcley and Moreton. -Sornersefshire, East- -Langton and Brig;stock. -Derhyehire, North—Cavendish and Gisborne. Sir/pith, West—Tyriel and Parker. Buckinghainshire—Citandos"P and .S-mith. Devonshire, South—Russell and tulteel. Saseex, East- -Cavendish and Curties. ..Betifordshire--Russell and Stewart:* Car- ptrthen_Frever and Adams. Somersetslzire, West—Sandford and 7)mte. Kent, East—Plumptre and KnatolibulL WestmorelandLord Lowther and Col. Lowther.. Cheshire, North—Egerton and Stanley. Illontgonzeryshire—Wynne. Yorkshire,. West—Morpeth and Strickland. SCOTCH RETCRNS.—Ewing and Oswald for Glasgow; Sir John Newell, for Paisley; Kinloch, for Dundee. • • 'emu ReTtnixs.—Lords. e-astl.ereagh anti A. Hill, for Dorenehire; Viscount Cole 'and General Archdall, for Ferthanaglz ; Lord W. Ache- son awl Colonel Vernon, for Armagh C. ; H. Grattan and M. O'Con- nell, . for Meath C'. ; 'O'Reilly' for Dundalk; Stawell for Kinsale; Cal- laghan and Baldwin, for Cork.