How TO CURE Baintiff.=: -. The following anecdote, the accurac y of which
may be Safely relied upon, arose out of the election at St. Albaiv, last Monday and Tuesday. Every effort was made by the agentS of Mr. Titrner, the COnservative candidate for that borough, to beg,pur- chase, or annul, Mr. Ward's votes. TWentY-seven out of 404 wen thus bought off; many were threatened by the agent of the "Lord el the Great House" (Lord Verulam); and some were fairly talked-over But there was a poor man, named Davis, who by extraordinary hate labour had contrived to pay up his.ratei; and having done so, volun- teered his vote to Mr. Ward, the Reform candidate. Every mai, possessed of superiority above his fellows, has his own little circle el admirers, within which he is a sort of oracle. Davis was known. to Iii one of these ; and Mr. Turner's ComMittee, knowing his character and calculating upon his poverty; saw the great advantage to t11 cause of corrupting his integrity. ThiS "poor man, with a sound,e0ta- science but a tattered garment, was sent. for by Mr. B—. ; talked do argued with,—but to no purpose. SoVeteigns were in an openOrel- of the office : this was the last and -final trial. " Well," said paxif suddenly, "you know -I am a-poor man; I Cannot withstand that 44-14r- for I never possess a bit of gold from one year's end to the ot14, see I must give in." - " 0, never mind," said the agent; "help yortr you know what we pay our friends." Now Davis knew that thirf, been given ; but this singular man took but fifteen. No sooner ha left the tempter, than he went to Mr. Ward's Cothmittee, With money in his hand, and told them the circumstance. " Gentlemen!' -said he, "don't think I ever meant to break my word iu taking the money. But I saw it was to be made a bad use of; and IthoWing the wants of my poor family, I thought it no harm that they should hav- a part; for then some of it would -do good, and there weithl.ite-leis do harm with.. I might have taken thirty, but I took only fifteen: lien they are. I will keep this money and will employ it well ; and ybil•ahel sec that I also keep my pledge to you." Davis was tie!'• to his word he spread the eirettrn tance everywhere; 'it proved- one of the iinisa powerful weapons in 'the hands of Mr. Ward's. Commit in. Sonic the turncoats were hissed and reviled ; fear came upon tlie rest ; and it may almost he said that the moral courage of this obsmov and indigent man decided the fate of the election.