22 DECEMBER 1832, Page 11
The folldwing mist gratifying intelligence from Dundee reached us this
morning- " In haste for the post, I can'only inform you that Mr: Guthrie has hauled -down Ins flag. - First day's Poll—Kinloch 7G2 - Guthrie 5(13 Majority 259 "'There is to be no farther polling—Aletter has been addressed by Mr. Guth- rie to the Sheriff, 'withdrawing from the contest. Hurra ! Eifiloch and Re-
form for ever !" .
" By three times three," we most cordially add.
- The Reformed Parliament will not contain a patriot of truer prin- ciples, or a man of more honourable and benevolent feelings, than this expatriated gentleman of the accursed times of Castlereagh and Scotch Tory domination.