8-room'ExcitAxon, r?t?tv rxr.NENt..
The Money Market has evinced much &ruless-1111ring the ; raid though
the fluctuations have not been very great, the clodilg 'priee (..:y is' ric,arl)- 7- per cent. higher than that of Saturday. Monti -is as afium''.:a:t. as. ever ; ainei from the continued investments, all descriptions of stock are Exchequer }MN have been steady during the whole week at :lbs. to Ms. a-e Consul: for the Account have fluctuated between Sly and 84,:, buyers. DankStock haS been at 157} and 188?2, and doses at 1St. In the Foreign Market, all descriptions of Stock's have maintained timniselves, and some have improved upon last week's prices. . Belgian Bonds have been-at 74:1 and 743,, and close at 74L, Dutch Stock has been at 41k and 411, and closes at 41g k. Brazilian Stock has been steady at 464 47. -It being generally under- stood that the disturbed state of Mexico has prevented the-Government of that country from making the remittances necessary to provide for the payment of the Dividend due on the Istof January, the Stock.has declined, and as.low as 25; but no large sales of Stock have taken place, and the confidence of the .1.iond- holders in the ultimate solvency of the Republic does not appear to be much shaken. Portuguese Bonds and Regency Scrip have remained steady, the former at 49 and the latter at 41 dis. the latest intelligence from Oporto was not of so favourable a nature-as might have been expected, but the appointment of General SOLIGNAC to.the command has inspired the friends of Don Pit-no with confidence; and as that officer left Dover yesterday, the neat accounts arc expected with impatience. Spanish Stock has been heavy during the. week, and had gradually given way to 16 k• k, which Was the price this morning; a sale, by an influential broker, has since caused a further depression to 15L, and the closing price is 1517-, 16.
A further improvement has taken place in the prices ofthe Funds this morn- ing. Consols opened at S4g have been -buyers at 84k for a short-time, and are now 814 - In the Foreign Market; Dutch and iSpaniSh' Stocks are the only ones in which any business has been. transacted: the former has improved to-42, -and is now 41k, 42k ; the latter is at 'the closing price of yesterday, viz. 15k, 16. The nominal prices of all otheedeseriptions of Foreign. Stocks are higher.
3 per Cent: Consols .. - Ditto for Account.., 84 New at p. Cent: Ann.— -
Bank Steck- 188141
India Stock ...... — - Exchequer Bills .... 30 31 Belgian 5 p. Cts. 744 Brzilian 5 perCts. 46t Danish 3 per Cents. 681- 9 .Detell 2* per Cents. 41,-; French 3 per Cents. -- Greek Cl8't5)5p.Cts. 24 6 'Mexican 6 p....Oents. 25 Portugnese a-p. Cts. 4111. 50 Do. Regeno So.5p.Ct. 41 4 Prussian(t811)3 p.Ct.— Russian(1822) ffp.Ct.'281 Spanish(1821) 5 p. Ct. IN