We live got sekeral answers ,to, Captain Fonittaw,hea ,ftecompantea. by diagrams,
which we hate no time to procure, and if we had, could not procure without expense, which the authors themselves ought tobear.
A LOVER OF CANDOUR. will be given iii our next l',iumber, t2RATA."A few errors crept into ourlast wt.ek's list of Returns. Mr. Todd, M.P. . for Bonitou, is a Reformer ; Mr. Calcraft, M.P. for Wareham,. is an Anti.Iteformer; Mr. Palmer was improperly set down for South Shields—Mr. Ingham is the only mem- ber. With these alterations, the list will be found as nearly-correct as, in the present - state of our, knowledge, it is possible to make it: we shall make it perfect afterwards. . A correspondent of Bristol finds fault with our classing Mr. -Baillie among the Anti- Reformers. Mr. Baillie,s attendance at the Dutch meeting iu the City was the cause why we put him on the Anti-Reform side. Perhaps Ministerialists and Anti-Minis- terialists would have been as good categories ; but neither would these have been se- , ficiently definite. There is no single great question for the new Parliament by which to test members.
• Mr. Wood, candidate for Tiverton, is a Reformer, not an Anti.