Not' abn can equal the patience, the firmness, and the - good
humour of the Pri-Afela soldiers. in:passiag through the-ranks, you every moment hear lively `:.sallies of mirth, which attest their unalterable-gayety. About three hours ago Janet a sergeant, to whom I said,." You are very fortunate. The weather serves you admirdily. You have a bright sunny day, and a thick fog at night." 44 Is that surprising ?" said he with amusing gravity. " The good God is Prenth."— Correspondent of the Times.
The Dutch, on the other hand, - maintain that the " bon Dieu" is altogether Dutch. They cannot both be right; The Russian soldiers put in a more sensible claim : their Deity is St. Nicholas ; and the popular belief- is, that when God dies, St. Nicholas is to succeed him. The French sergeent's notion of the partisanship exhibited by the Deity, is 'rota Whit more absurd or impious than the. declaration of the Holy Alliance,- that the God of Arrnies was looking down on their ,movements With Perfect- scatisfaetion.