‘...Orie of the candidates at the Bath election, it is
said, addressed :the electors through a speaking-trumpet. 'We wonder it has not been used before in open-air meetings, and in noisy ones within doors, where the voice of the speaker would rise above the tumult :like that of the captain of -a vessel heard above the storm. Its use, would also tend to shorten the harangue, as well as to convey it to distant ears. A speaker through a trumpet would be sparing of rhetorical flourishes.
This, by the by, is the real trumpet of Fame. It is a capital mistake of our painters and sculptors of allegory, to represent the Goddess splitting her cheeks like one of the old flying newsmen. It is a libel upon her to insinuate that she is addicted to puffing her heroes. She merely recounts their names and actions, through thAspeaking-triunpet of the Press.