IJC lattrop The Vestry of the parish of St. Marylebone
lately. appointed a de-' pntation from their board, consisting of Sir 'William Curtis, Colonel Daniel, Major Naylor, and Messrs. Towers, Green,' Underwood, Met- calf, Nelms, and H. Jackson, to confer with Government respecting- the" heavy expense of the New Police. . ' On Tuesday they had-a longinter:- view, byappointment, with Lord Melbourne at.the..Home-Office. The, principal points between the parish and the Government, urged by the deputation, are—First, the burden Unposed upon the householders be- yond what the old watch-rate imposed, and for which no adnitionaladvan- tage has accrued to this parish. ,. The ,old watch having been proved,- and admitted. by Sir Robert Peel,, to, have been most efficient; the cost was under 10,0001. per annum ; the sum assessed and paid to the, Commissioners of the New Police is imwards.of 24,0001. The cost. of the actual force kept up in this parish is 13,38,SZ,The.parishioners - are thui taxed and contribute the-annual sum • of 10,CW: towards the , expense of the.bead establishment, or to make up the deficiencies of other parishei. Secondly, the amount annually assessed by the Vestry , for the New Police rate exceeds: the amount annually- recovered by them upwards of 2;0001.; 'this sum being-incapable of beinr, collected, in ; consequence of the poVerty of the. hOuseholders ; the Police rate,: which bylaw ought not- to exceed Sd., is in consequenCe nearly 10d. .in the pound upon thoSe honseholders. who 'pay their rates:. Thirdly; the deputation claim ad allowance of 5,7751., being: the'surri paid by the' preceding Vestry to the CommiSSioners, over and.' above the, sums ac- tually recovered by the Vestry for the New Police rate.--ITfines. ' His Excellency Narvik, Packs and suite have arrived in town, on a special mission from the Ottortian Porte to .thel3titish COurt. He and the four gentlemen composing his suite are.sojourning at Grillon's ,
Hotel, in Albemarle Street. The object of his mission is supposed., to relate specially to,the state, of . affairs in Egypt; and the final ar- rangement respecting, Greece. • .
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The friends of Mr. Babbage dined together on Wednesday, at the Sir Hugh Myddleton's Head, Sadler's Wells ; Mr. Bischoff in the!. chair. Among the literary and scientific characters present were Sir, John Herschell, Sir N. H. Nicolas, Mr. Lubbock, 1VIr. Brunel, and
several others. .
The gentlemen of the Committee who conducted the election of Mr. 'W. Clay, dined together at the London Tavern on Thursday, to cele- brate the return of that gentleman as a member for the Tower Hamlets.....-
Mr. W. Coates was in the chair. . . ' • •
Wednesday was-observed as a day' of thanksgiving in. the' churches- within the jurisdiction of the Scotch Presbytery of London, for the comparative lightness with which this kingdom has hitherto been visited
With cholera. .. •
A meeting took place on Friday last week, on Penge Common,:, between Mr. L. B. Allen, the unsuccessful candidate: for Southwark, and -Mr. John Ellis, an elector, and the proposer of Mr. Sheriff Humphery. The meeting originated in the conversation on the bust- ings which we reported, last week. When the _parties arrived on the ground, the seconds, beingrof opinion that the offensive expressions on., both tides had resulted from 'temporary warmth, proposed an accom- ModatiOn ; which was effected upon Mr. Allen disclaiming any inten- tion on his part at the time to convey a personal, affront to Mr. Ellis.•