The Atlantic Telegraph despatch from Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow,
the French Ambassador in Paris, on the delay made by the Emperor of the French in withdrawing the first detach- ment of his troops from Mexico, has been published, and is cer- tainly exceedingly peremptory. It was never presented to the Marquis de Moustier, because Mr. Bigelow had received satisfac- tory assurances that the delay was only made in order to, fseenre the safety of the troops remaining in Meiico, who, if qtty had embarked by detachments, might some of them have been over- whelmed by the Mexican Army, and the moat specific promise was given that all should withdraw together in March. Anyhow, though the French Government has been saved the mortification of receiving this very peremptory despatch, the French have, practically, been ordered out of Mexico, and have accepted their fate. Moreover, Napoleon has assured the President that he should very heartily co-operate in re-establishing order under the new regime [Juarez l], but it is added that the Emperor " thinks it will devolve on the United States to maintain the government thus created." No doubt it will, and to pull the strings of that government also. " Exit the French puppet—right, enter the American puppet—left," appears to be the stage direction for the occasion.