Picture Books.
It is a quarter of a century since Douglas Jerrold's Story of a Feather • appeared in the pages of Punch, then a fresh and youthful periodical. The original illustrator was Mr.......
Essays. By Dora Greenwell. (alexander Strahan.)—miss...
graceful, and are written with a real knowledge of their subjects. The best essays, we think, seem to be those on "Our Single Women" and on "Prayer." They are both full of......
The Book Of Birthdays. {patron.)—this Book Is Supposed To...
all the pretty things that have been said by the poets about birthdays or bo people en their birthdays. It contains much that is good, bad, and indifferent, but as a whole is......
Current Literature.
PorTraits of Profeskore at University College, London. Recently taken, uniform in style, by Mr. Crellin, 162 Regent Street.—The professors of University College, London, who, in......
. A Series Of Portraits Of Leading Actors. Photographed At
the Alexandra Studio for the Employment of Women, 23 Great Ceram Street, Russell Square.—These photographs are taken ona gold ground, and this certainly adds very greatly to the......
Angelo Lyons. A Novel. By William Platt. 3 Vols. (saunders
and Otley.)—This novel opened very well with the history of the House of Balfour, merchants in Shiphampton and the West Indies. We thought we were going to have some genre......
Child's Play. By "e. V. B." (sampson Low.)—a Very Jolly
little picture book, with coloured engravings of a much more delicate and fanciful order than we are accustomed to see. "Little Boy Blue blow- ing his Horn, with the Sheep in......