PorTraits of Profeskore at University College, London. Recently taken, uniform in style, by Mr. Crellin, 162 Regent Street.—The professors of University College, London, who, in the ratio of fourteen to two, con- sider gratification to teach of less importance than certain extrinsic -considerations having reference to sectarian or religious position, are here very well delineated by Mr. Crain. We can speak for the 1firenese of the great remonstrant against this principle, Professor de Morgan, as admirable and most expressive. Professor Bey, the head of the obscurantiats for the first, and we hope only time in his life; is also given with great vigour ; and Professor Malden's refined and scholarly countenance is well rendered in all its delicate lines. Professor 'Seeley's face is caught in its most thoughtful mood, and Professor Hirat's is given with the full expression of its power, and something less cf Gold philosophic indifference than it usually bears. Of the other Pro- fessorial likenesses here -given—there are many wanting—we can only
Touches of Nature. By Eminent. Anthers and Artists. London: A. Strohm
11 Mend Muller. By John G. Whittier. With illustrations, by W. J. Hennessy. Boston: Ticknor and Melds,: Landon: Trill:neer and Co.
if Flower de Lute. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. With illustrations. Boston: Ticknor end Fields ; I.ondou : Tru-ner and Co.
4+ The Cliatulos Poets. 1174e Poelieat Works of Lona/Wow. With filwAstiticse by Cooper, Small, and Houghton. London: Frederick Warne and 00.
say that they seem expressive, as we do not know the originals. For 'a gallery of thinkers and teachers who postpone the first essentials of the professorial office to utterly secondary considerations, they cer- tainly give a very respectable effect of capaelty and learning.