The Cornhill Magazine: Winter 1950-1951. (John Murray. 25. 6(1,)
Tins is a particularly good issue of the best of our literary maga- zines. Mr: Peter Quennell, who himself contributes an essay on Sicilian temples, has brought together short stories by H. E. Bates and Joyce Catya survey of the current activities of _Picasso and Matisse on the Riviera by Francis Steegmuller, a long essay on Burke by Somerset Maugham, and a delightful selection of the photographs taken by Roger Fenton, first secretary of the Royal Photographic Society, during the Crimean campaign. Clive Bell adds some highly rewarding recollections of Lytton Strachey, and makes the intriguing claim that November 25th, 1906, the day on which Strachey first began a letter to him "Dear Clive" (instead of " Dea? Bell ") was "a date in the history of Bloomsbury. . . . Henceforth between friends manners were to depend on feelings rather than convention."