I Am Asked To Appeal For The Issue Of Plastic
Treasury Notes, on the ground that the present notes, being made of paper, are filthy and unhygienic. I expect they are ; no doubt my own state of rude health is due to the fact......
The Fabric Of Defence
D ECEMBER 25th was a pagan festival before it was a Christmas festival in these islands, and there might seem more fitness in investing the date this year with the former......
Now That The Monopolies Commission Has Completed Its...
I should like to recommend a new victim for it to concentrate on. There are not many complete monopolies in this country outside the nationalised industries. Nearly every......
The Best Thing About Astrologers Is The Company They Keep.
"The astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators "—what more impressive or sonorous a trio could be imagined? And now the astrologers of this country (they seem to......
A Cricket Postscript. &reader Says The Answer To My Recent
question whether Hutton could have won the first Test Match single-handed is Yes ; he comes from Yorkshire. Someone else recalls that it was under a captain, D. R. Jardine, who......
The Praise Everywhere Accorded To Mr. Richard Law's...
Return from Utopia, emphasises the importance of the assistance Mr. Law might give to his party if he could spend more time in the House of Commons. Mr. Oliver Stanley's......
The New Whitaker's Almanack Is Out, And It Disappoints Me.
I consulted it at once to see how a widow of my acquaintance could get a widow's pension. It gave no information applicable to this particular case (possibly because, as I......
A Spectator's Notebook T He Prime Minister's Broadcast On...
visit has been criticised on the ground that Mr. Attlee said nothing— or at any rate said nothing new. But what should he have said ? What was there to say ? In that case, it......