22 DECEMBER 1961, Page 9


The Mind of MRA

MrA. D. C. Williamson. Margaret Norwood, Rev. Hallett Viney, R. M. Carer. Peter Strafford Doctor in Dearth R. A. Oakshott

Anolo-Christian Attitudes

lmogen Gore-Browne, Emanuel Wax

Ronald Knox's New testament Mrs. M. S. B. Green Share My Chalice John H. A. Crundell Feeding the Lions Margaret Knight Immigration A Reginald Martin VS alter icott David Daiches lirwman's Road to Rome Francis D' A rcy O'Brien's Indictment Rosalind Ma.skell SIR,--Mr. Gascoigne's feelings, about M RA are understandable. It is uncomfortable to be constantly faced with the challenge of absolute moral standards, if you are determined not to live them. It is even more uncomfortable to be brought face to face with the realisation that moral standards are no longer a question of private conduct but of national con- sequence.

I also saw Peter Howard's play The Ladder. Mr. Gascoigne considers it naIreh. to present the Devil in the recognisable forms in which he assails us humans! It is a most thought-provoking play and thank God for its fearless challenge.