22 DECEMBER 1961, page 4

One For The Morgue

S o:1/44E - popular newspapers have recently made quite a practice of stressing the dangers of One for the Road before Bank Holiday week- ends. They rarely feature the subject......

Mr Nehru's Adventure

T RE verdict on the Indian action in Goa must be that, although there is a good deal to be said against Portugal, there is nothing whatever to be said in favour of India. True,......

On The Hook

T liE total cost of agricultural subsidies for the present financial year has turned out to be close on £80 million more than the original estimate; and it might be thought that......

Next Weei:'

Comus in the Congo By CONOR CRUISE O'BRIEN......

Hopes And Fears

A WRITER in the Guardian recently quoted the lines from the Phillips Brooks carol which go The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight. and pointed out what a......