Warne's Model Cookery and Housekeeping Book. Compiled and edited by
Mary Jewry. (F. Warne and Co.); The New Cookery Boo':. By Anne Bowman. (Routledge.)—It is idle to profess to review two such book; unless one can read them at sight, as it were, and realize the complete dishes which here we have in their elements. We will only say that Messrs. Warne's book gives us almost 3,000 receipts, and Messrs. Routledge's rather more than 1,700. The coloured illustrations in the first book are extremely tempting and pretty, jellies of several hues and combinations of cream and jelly forming a most attractive frontispiece. There is nothing so delightful as this in Messrs. Rout- ledge's book, which seems to be more conservative than that of Messrs. Warne. English cooks, however, are apt to disapprove of novelties.