22 FEBRUARY 1868, page 3

Mr. Ayrton Made A Very Able Speech On The Bill,

harshly ridicul- ing Mr. Walpole's appeal to sentimental memories ;—" they were asked to be guided by the sentimental feelings of gentlemen who happened to have been educated in......

Another Correspondent Writes To Us That The New...

"do not quote the prices of best articles, but merely a low- priced article. For instance, in the price book of the C. S. S. A., now before me, the highest quotation for nutmegs......

A Subscription For A True College For Women,—in The Oxford

sense,—an institution in the country where young women should be resident during the whole of the academical (half the actual) year, has becu begun by a magnificent donation of......

We Are Assured On High Authority That We Greatly Over-rated

last week the capital needed by a grocer, when we assumed that it would be equal in amount to his purchases. " Any grocer will tell you," writes our correspondent, " that in......

Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading British Railways...

off at the annexed quotations :— Fr:lay, Feb. 14. Friday, Feb. 21. Great Eastern— ... ... 301 ... 301 Great Northern ... ... ... 1031 1074 Groat Western ,.. .... ... 451 461......

Friday, Feb. 14. Friday, Feb. 21. Mexican 16 13.1 Spanish New ... 331 364 Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 63 624 1862 616 614 United States 5.20's 2i 721......

The President Of A Literary Institute In Egham, Surrey, Mr.

H. Worms, made a good suggestion in the course of an address on Wednesday last,—that no adult who, having been educated at a primary school, should afterwards applyfor a place......

Mr. Iv. E. Forster Questioned The Government Yesterday...

the course they were going to pursue with reference to popular education. He insisted on the advantage with which a Conser- vative Government could legislate on the subject, and......

On The Same Night, Also, The Secretary For Ireland, The

Earl of .Mayo (better known as Lord Naas), moved the first reading of the continuation of the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act. The classification of the occupations of the 265......

In The Early Part Of The Week, The Consol Market

was heavy, at depressed quotations. At one time, Consols were done at 924, 4. They have since recovered to 931, 4, at which they closed yester- day. Reduced and New Three per......