Interrogated by Mr. Parnell, Mr. W. H. Smith gave notice
on Monday night that he will at an early date submit to the House of Commons the following resolution :—" That Parlia- ment, having constituted a Special Commission to inquire into the charges and allegations made against certain Members of Parliament and other persons, and the Report of the Com- mission having been presented to Parliament, this House adopts the Report, and thanks the Commissioners for their just and impartial conduct in the matters referred to them, and orders that the said Report be entered in the Journals of this House." It is not yet determined, we believe, by the Opposition how to deal with this resolution. Their journals threaten to make it the occasion of an interminable debate, unless some rider pleasing to them be added ; but that, of course, will not be permitted. It is difficult for them, after their triumphant language in greeting the Report, to run it down now, and yet it is most unwelcome to them to register this grave and deliberate condemnation of all the more influen- tial members of Mr. Parnell's party. They are endeavouring to represent the resolution as cowardly, because no order for prosecuting the criminal conspirators is given. But after the indemnity promised to those who offered candid evidence, any prosecution or other political penalty would be an act of bad faith.