The Future Of The Empire. By Alexander Gordon. (simpkin And
Marshall.)—This is "a brief statement of the case against Imperial Federation," and it ends with the proposal of an alterna- tive policy, consisting of two chief articles,—"......
Mr. Lang's " Theocritus, Bion, And Moschus."* Chaucer Has...
called the morning-star of English, and Theocritus may be called the evening-star of Greek poetry. He did not seem so to his contemporaries. He was out- shone, in their opinion,......
The Templars' Trials. By J. Shallow. (stevens And Sons.)— If
the author wished to make his readers understand the subject about which he writes, he should have been less elliptical and generally obscure in his manner of writing. The very......
Current Literature.
Haunts of Nature. By W. H. Worsley-Benison. (Elliot Stock.) —The author takes his readers on some pleasant excursions, teaching them to admire Nature in her outward aspects, and......
Her Heart's Desire. By H. Prothero Lewis. 3 Vols. (hurst
and Blackett.)—These three volumes, very easy reading as far as paper and printing can make reading easy, tell the love-stories of two young women,—Eira, who is beloved by and......
The Times Of Isaiah. By A. H. Sayce, Ll.d. (religious
Tract Society.)—This volume belongs to the excellent series entitled " By-Paths of Bible Knowledge." Itis an.interesting study, illus- trated from contemporary cuneiform......