The Future of the Empire. By Alexander Gordon. (Simpkin and
Marshall.)—This is "a brief statement of the case against Imperial Federation," and it ends with the proposal of an alterna- tive policy, consisting of two chief articles,—" (a), Eventual inde- pendence of the self-governing Colonies ; and (b), a probable alliance of the whole of the English-speaking peoples," an alliance which is to include the United States. Whatever we may think of this, there will be little doubt about subscribing to the following. words :—" Our concern is with the present ; our duty is to do that which we feel sure is right, in preference to attempting what may possibly be wrong; to maintain the well-known path, unless we are certain of having found a better one."—In. the series of ' Political Studies " (Methuen and Co.), we have Irish Politics, by T. Raleigh, M A. Mr. Raleigh states the question in a very judicial way, and deprecates especially the darkening of counsel by partisan speeches. To put the case briefly, he is a "Mug- wump." We hope that he may convert many to that 'excellent persuasion.
We are glad to recommend to our readers Dr. Waldatein's Catalogue of Casts in the Museum of Classical Archceology (Macmillan and Co.) Dr. Waldstein gives a brief introduction on the development of Greek art, and accompanies his catalogue with very instructive and interesting comments.