22 FEBRUARY 1913, Page 18



Sin,—As Chairman of the London Committee of Lady Lowther's War Relief Fund. I would ask you to allow me to .make an appeal through your columns to the generosity of your readers on behalf of the excellent work performed by Lady Lowther's Committee at Oonstantinople and its neigh- bourhood. The fund was organized by Tandy Lowther, wife of the British Ambassador at Constantinople, for the purpose of .assisting non-combatants who are in distress in consequence -of the war, without distinction of race or religion. Assistance - is given to the families and dependents of soldiers who have gone to the front, and also, so far as the funds available will permit, to the refugees who are arriving at Constantinople and the neighbourhood in enormous numbers. There are -already seventy thousand destitute refugees in Constantinople and the neighbourhood, whose sufferings have been augmented by outbreaks of cholera, small-pox, and measles. It is un- necessary to say more to show that the need of relief is urgent. It would occupy too much of your valuable space if I were

to attempt to give a detailed account of the work of Lady Lowther's Committee, but your readers may rest assured that .it has been thoroughly well organized. It comprises both -aides of the Bosporus, and is subdivided among twenty-five -local committees directed by British men and women. These -committees are now caring for thirteen thousand destitute persons, and have been able to send monetary assistance to such distant centres as Smyrna, Salonica, Broussa, and the .Dardanelles. There is also a distribution fund at the Embassy, to which about a thousand poor people belong, and -a. central clothing fund whisk distributes thousands of bed -coverings and garments. This work can only be carried on .by a considerable expenditure of money, and it is in the hope that a sufficient sum slay be forthcoming to enable the work -to be continued, and even extended, that I venture to make this further appeal, while I fully recognize and appreciate the _generous response which has been made to former appeals. May I add that subscriptions may be sent to this Fund at the National Bank of Turkey, 50 Cornhill, B.C., or to the Lord sliLayor's Turco-Balkan Relief Fund at the Mansion House, with a request that they should be earmarked for "Lady Lowther's Fund " P—I am, Sir, &c.,