The Greeks At Janina.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE "Sructcron."1 Sin,—As the protracted siege of the almost impregnable outer fortifications of Janina has drawn much attection to the subject, the following......
The Democrats And Canal Tolls.
[To THE EDITOR OF TAD "STEMMA.'1 SIR, —May I be allowed to suggest that the Spectator labours under a misapprehension when it says that " the Democrats as a party are mostly in......
Lady Lowther's War Relief Fund. [to. Ins _eamon Da Ike
"E.TROTATOR."1 Sin,—As Chairman of the London Committee of Lady Lowther's War Relief Fund. I would ask you to allow me to .make an appeal through your columns to the generosity......
The Suffrage Referendum.
[To TER EDITOR or MIR "SPRCIATOR."" Sri.,—May I be allowed -a very brief criticism -of Miss Brewster's letter in your issue of February 15th? On -behalf of her fellow......
A Housemaster's Letters.
[TO THE EDITOR OF ass "SPECTATOR;"] S ra, — I have read with much interest both your review of "A Housemaster's Letters" (February Stb) and the letter of " Another Housemaster"......