[To TER EDITOR or MIR "SPRCIATOR."" Sri.,—May I be allowed -a very brief criticism -of Miss Brewster's letter in your issue of February 15th? On -behalf of her fellow suffragists she refuses to recognize the.authority of any form of Referendum on the ground that men have no right to decide the question of Woman Suffrage. It is there- fore clear that Miss Brewster could not accept the vote for women under any Act of Parliament. Such Act would, from her point of view, be passed by men, and not even by "mere men " as such, but by " double distilled " men; males chosen by males to represent solely the male sex.—I am, Sir, &c.,
[We publish this letter as it is concerned with the side issue of the Referendum, but we maintain our determination not to open our correspondence columns to any general discussion of the Suffrage problem.—En. Spectator.]