In Paris on Monday some very important details became known
of the drastic proposals of the French Government for meeting the new German Army Bill, whereby the German Army will be increased to 850,000 on a peace footing. At present the German army numbers 725.000, although this number under the last Army Law was not provided for till 1915; and the French army numbers 550,000. The French Government propose to spend £3.000,1:00 at once, and to vote before Easter a credit of £20.000,000. Next week the whole scheme will be laid before the Chamber. The Minister of War is preparing a Bill to swell the ranks, and it is thought that the old system of three years' service (abandoned in 1905 in favour of two years' service) may be revived, or that the longer period may be made applicable to the cavalry and artillery only, or that there may be a compromise of two and a half years' service for all arms. The announcement of the resolute policy of the Government has been extremely well received. All parties, except the Socialists, admit that an extensive increase of the army is necessary. Since 1902 Germany has spent £80,080,000 on her army, and France only £39,200,000. And the German expenditure for the coming year will be higher than ever.